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tv   KRON 4 Morning News  KRON  May 28, 2012 7:00am-10:00am PDT

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>>mark: good morning your the top stories for the memorial day. there was a memorable celebration for the bay area for the golden gate bridge. the cleanup is fully on this morning. >>james: their low clouds. this should be a sunny day with the wind is picking up this afternoon. there should be a mild day to day with the clouds of continuing to the overnight hours. we'll talk about that with 7
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day around the bay shortly. >> >>erica: your freeway is it good and there are no hot spots. we would do it a quick to me a check. all areas of light traffic throughout the area. >>darya: if you did not stay up late to see the fireworks coming here they are. the golden gate bridge was turning 75 years old over the weekend. there was celebrations all weekend long. this was a 20 minute fireworks show. he was an exciting display. it was over and around the bridge. it was an incredible sight. there were other celebrations across the field.
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id this the best they had stayed is set up. all kinds is singing and dancing. kron 4 will train and is a life for the cleanup. >>will: you can see the garbage truck purpurin -- you can see this garbage truck. a lot of the workers are probably does sleeping because they have been here since 1:00 in the morning. they need to take it that stamp. to a tutor three days to set up. he may wonder why they have
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security guards. the arson -- there is still sung expensive equipment here. everything should be clear by this evening. >>darya: they will have a smooth operation into a little bit to pick up and pack up your >>mark: the u.s. as iowa made its final trip under the golden gate bridge saturday. this it does is go fireboat phoenix and the coast guard escorted them. this historic world or at said is down to southern california where it will be converted into a museum.
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it weighs more than 45,000 t. and is hosted president's threat the years. the u.s. s nimitz >> emerald in yesterday. when it's 3000 -- it all in yet today with this crew members. he can succeed the uss dictator which is a destroyer class in irian
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>> this is an impressive sight at your. it is a memorial day and what better time can you find to come down there take a look at the ships. >>mark: it's amazing to see these boats. there are some of the memorial day remembrances that taking place.
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>>darya: but presidential canada's plan to honor fallen warriors -- the presidential khanates will be honoring the fog lawyers this weekend him >>mark: we're taking a live look outside on this memorial day. we're showing that the fog. will be back a minute. lysol knows the soft places we love
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could be home to bacteria. so use lysol disinfectant spray on soft surfaces everyday when you're cleaning up to kill 99.9% of bacteria. lysol. mission for health.
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>>mark: one of the vatican's largest analysts continues. they are talking about the leaks from the vatican. they're saying that a rainy priestley also be responsible. >> this is all left of the plane from the crash in
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southwestern iowa the but-i tell the but-i tell this plane began its journey in california. they let the officials know thyself but that they were ok and they can harass you. >>darya: in caltrain, and a builder failed to report that the main to our country was not totally cured.
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it does not look like there's any cars at all on the freeway right now. we would be back in a minute. what appears on the surface
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to be an understated example of unequaled american achievement, is actually an extremely sophisticated apparatus of goodness and flavor, bonded together by a perfectly aged, all natural, tasty... gooey... blanket of love. >>mark: welcome back to the kron 4 morning news.
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>>james: . this seems that the beaches this is a southern georgia and northern florida. this storm is expected to weaken. here is a live look right that now at but coach at jekyll island florida. there also some pictures here from savannah adjutancy the winds continued to blow. >> you can see that this storm is fairly strong. it is slowly moving its way across the peninsula there are looking for flooding possibly been in southern and northern if -- southern
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georgia and northern florida. this should be out grady into a tropical depression sometime today. the round the bay. the satellite you should assess a lot of clouds. here is a look from our mt. tam cam. you can see the low cloud deck cutting off the top of the building. this is causing a delay at the airport. the temperatures are in the '50s around area. they will warm up but not by much in irian by noon, we can see a diverse
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temperature mixed. the inland east bay will be in the '70s but an '50s and the coast '60s inland in irian there by 3:00 we do not see much change. recently all little bit more seven days. a little bit more 70 degrees. here is your forecast for the next three days. the temperatures are on the rise for the beginning of this week. but far as they could be 90 degree weather. we will have more about that with the 7 day around the bay later. let's get >>erica: eck -- there a few
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minor accidents. these accents and not affecting the traffic. he can see that bay bridge is extremely light. your drive is under 10 minutes at a oakland your san mateo bridge is also a problem for a period this out >> 101 traffic on the golden gate bridge is very light. everything is very clear
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throughout the day. is there no incidents for the nimitz freeway. if you were appointed to a public transit today, they're all writing on a sunday schedule. >>mark: the meeting closer certain san francisco all these their schedule to be opened on june 4th if 5 good morning. >>darya: a 63 year-old man was struck by car just be for it 10:00 on jackson avenue south of el monte ave.
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a gray 1991 toyota camry stuck him. the driver is cooperating with the police. >>mark: now no with a big rigs world ever crossed the car. this is there is a morning. the passenger side was crushed. investigators said the driver of the big gray was speeding and loss control. the president of passenger seat was killed but the driver of the big rig -- the person in the passenger seat was killed but the driver of
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the big rigs in the driver of the car broke a. there was contractor fraud a man is wanted in alameda and contra costa company. >>darya: it is memorial day. we are keeping our eye out at the weather. where are also looking at all the attributes focus toward our military [ mechanical humming ] [ male announcer ] we began with the rx. ♪ then we turned the page, creating the rx hybrid. ♪
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now we've turned the page again with the all-new rx f sport. ♪ this is the next chapter for the rx. this is the next chapter for lexus. this is the pursuit of perfection.
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>>darya: is 723 am. maureen kelly was at the annual cannes proper parade. -- card of all gray.
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mmm this >> this represents the world this represents everyone's culture. >> at it is pure joy, that it is community, a beautiful music, and exposing you did things to you may never normally see. >> it is a lot of fun. dancing at people celebrating life. >> again see that that a lot of different people here. when we have music we can get together. >> the groups are from all different cultures.
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maybe people from other cultures learning and involved in our groups. we have a license -- we have a slice above little bit of everything in sentences of urine we have a slice of a little bit for everybody. >>mark: we're looking at the uss iowa was strapped to set francisco. mn there >> tugboat's pushed the uss iowa out of the richmond harbor where workers test
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bed years refurbishing the ship. many of those volunteers boarded this see dad -- boarded the top zero to do escort-led to its destination. the i/o s was a gray and sendoff. there were hundreds of boats in the flotilla. it was ever originally slated to is take off last weekend the weather postponed it. this may be the last or shipped to flow through step francisco bay.
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memorial day maybe an appropriate day. >> other hot men lost their lives on the ship. so we are remembering the men and their families during this time. >> and the u.s. as i was -- the uss iowa sailed under the san francisco bay on its way to its final destination. >>mark: here is a look at city hall as we wait for the fog to clear up a round the bay. back a minute. bay. back a minute. this country was built by working people. the economy needs manufacturing. machines, tools, people making stuff. companies have to invest in making things.
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infrastructure, construction, production. we need it now more than ever. chevron's putting more than $8 billion dollars back in the u.s. economy this year. in pipes, cement, steel, jobs, energy. we need to get the wheels turning. i'm proud of that. making real things... for real. ...that make a real difference. ♪
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>> >>darya: we are we focusing on the weather because a lot of people have the day off.
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>>james: this is a lot from mt. tam cam. here is a quick look ahead for today and the rest of the week. we will have a more detailed look at your forecast coming up. >>erica: it is holiday, light conditions. rear axle and a ferry -- we accident free across the bay. there is nothing that is
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causing delays. >>mark: this was an engineering marvel and the longest suspension span at this time. amazingly only 11 men were killed during the construction of the bridge. the number would have been much higher pit and 19 others were saved by the netting under the scaffolding. when under plus thousand people crowded onto the stand at the 50th anniversary kinsey and lost his charge.
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and last night is 20 minutes of fireworks. this bay and clothes for a little over an hour said the crew's consent of the fireworks to him this fireworks is nothing like anything we have seen a round the bay. they used 20 computers and of her 5 mi. of wire. the color orange is called international warns was invented for this particular show. >>darya: the uss iowa leavis say francisco.
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and is escorted by fireboats and coast guard's. the world war two battleship in is relocated near the queen mary. it is nearly 50 stories high and weighs more than 45,000 t. in has had president's visit it in the past. let's get jackie sizzle is taking a look of the ship. >>jackie: you do not get to
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see something like this very often. it is a little bit south of pierce 30. it sailed underneath the golden gate bridge yesterday. there are tighter crews they came down a few days ago. there is the dictator which is a destroyer class. there's no word from the navy exactly how long they are appointed be here. there a lot a sailor's in towns with their friends and family. i saw fusil is walking the streets this morning. if you get a chance this morning, come down and see
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these great ships. >>darya: that a lot of other ceremonies coy on today. there other things that are having happening a round the bay and around the nation to celebrate. >> memorial day kicks off in the nation's capital. the rolling thunder ride are far is filled with hundreds of thousands of motorcyclists. this celebration is for the people that were lost during war. there also represent our pows and mias.
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>> we will not leave our mias rpf that is behind. they are not forgotten. >> boston likes remember the fallen. this is stunning sight of the u.s. more memorial >> president obama will lay a wreath at the bottom of the undone soldiers jim. and then there will be a serramonte of the war memorial. add pain, reporting. >>mark: these are our that
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seeking disabilities. this is the new generation of vets i the most physically and mentally troubled of all times irian >> >>darya: this is a look from mt. tam cam we will be right back and. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ [ transforming sounds ] [ male announcer ] transformers. the ride. ride it at universal studios hollywood.
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[ male announcer ] it's one thing... to have created an icon and quite another to have done it generation after generation. to the long line of legendary mercedes-benz sl roadsters... ♪ the 2013 sl. ♪ to the serene waters of glacier bay, air wick has partnered with the national park foundation so you can experience the spirit of these national treasures in your home. the national park collection. something in the air wick.
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>> space fans take a look at the sky tonight. there'll be a bright yellow or spot above into the left of them in. >>darya: there is some
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seismic retrofit work. this is where they're working on this seismic chili. >> the new seismic julie increases the movement of the bridge. this is so that the bridge can potentially expanded during an earthquake. we will put in an upper plate, and putting in new barriers. we're just finishing the work. they're putting in a concrete are right. they've been doing lighting work. the events of painting, paving, electrical, fencing, and landscaping. in additional are contractors story a great job.
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they are on schedule and getting through this ambitious and the work. >>darya: it is scheduled to open tomorrow morning. >>mark: we're at the tomb of the unknowns waiting for president obama to place a wreath.
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>>mark: smoking kapor there
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is on fire. he went 4 for 4. temporary support all three rounds. he is 73 hits on the seasons. and the most un a giants player since the '50s. barry sierra's starts for the giants. the essays lose their fifth straight games. the rupee by the yankees. the yankees have won nine straight games. then lost to nothing yesterday.
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-- 2-0 yesterday. >>darya: take alive at this fire birding in new mexico. in his turn a about 191 square miles. they're trying to protect key areas along the fire. only a coast town and is threatened right now when you go to colorado. that when has destroyed about 7,000 a.. >>james: take a look at them now mt. tam is stocked in. it is blue right above the
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camera. it is mostly a round the coast that we are seeing a overcast conditions there are a lot of fifties about the map right now. the cool spot is santa rosa 46. when the sun comes out you will see some decent clearing. the wind speed will be in the teens. it will need between 60 and 70 degrees. it be " are along the beach as. it will be cooler around the beaches.
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it will be mild today. but let's take a look at 7 day around the bay. let's go to eric with traffic. >>erica: good morning james and happy memorial day. as he can see there are only a few cars to the bay bridge toll plaza. the driver all morning long as the under 10 minutes. and if you're going to the san mateo bridge the golden gate bridge is find. the traffic is moving versts
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lightly. is that a little bit of slowing and highway 17. everything else is a very smith. the heading at of marin county this drive is enter is 25 minutes at a nevada. >>darya: be aware, as chp is out looking for any problems. were appointed stanley roberts for people behaving badly. >>stanley: if you're going
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to be driving down the road in the middle of the afternoon in your drinking and speeding you should not wear your company last year in he is given as series of tests including a breathalyzer test. guess what he passed. >> you do have out call any assistance is not enough to be determined. >> we're doing maximum enforce that right now you cannot do that you cannot have your but that is illegal. my wife was calling me to tell me about the accent. >> what the gods hit your
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wife calls coming to get yourself the, you get caught. so have his cell phone on the off position. this person must hold ever because the rear passenger was not wearing a seat belt. in the state of california everyone is required to be strapped in. they tried to say that any york city was not required. so i called the first precinct in new york city gets what, it is required. this driver was clocked on the radar at 80 mi. an hour and a 65 more our cell. and then he argued about the ticket.
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the key is to sign the ticket. then he does sign an eye to, i started down and if he still unsigned we will have to can get you. stanley roberts, kron 4 news. >>mark: this is from savannah georgia. tropical storm beryl is becoming a short period we will be back any minute.
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>> u.s. immigration discuss some officials are enforcing immigration crackdown they
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is a rumor that says that they're trying to come and arrest 50 people a month but the official said that there is no quota. >>mark: in newport beach mayor say that they will have of taipei for the pleas of his. >> blair was called a war criminal. blared denies. he said he became a godfather to one of the charter after the left
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office in >>darya: usa ipad karen a tropical storm hits florida and georgia. we will see the damage from a combat. -- we will look at that damage when they come back.
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>>mark: thank you for chili us that-thank you for joining us on this memorial day. we're looking at the tip of the un and soldiers. present a anomaly be placing a wreath at the site. this happens at the memorial day.
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there was a memorable celebration where the bay area as a celebrated the 75th anniversary have >>darya: it is a little mild today is that james. >>james: we're focusing it warming up this week. it will be mild today. as get traffic. >>erica: we do not have any hot spots to talk about. we have a light conditions all about the bay area. there are no backups to deal with. it is an incident free for all the freeways.
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it is a smooth and easy ride coming out of were in county on 101 southbound. >>mark: president obama will be paying tribute to for fallen warriors. >> mitt romney will be in san diego with john mccain. they will be honoring war veterans. here's what's happening around the bay area.
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amid this morning. braving the cold water is will tran as at an annual event. you can't >>will: residency this, it's been seven minutes of the swimmers have been in the water. i'm at the finish line. waiting for at slimmest your ride. we are looking at the 10015 swimmers. -- we're looking at 115 swimmers. you can see that ambulance partner just in case someone needs help. in three years that he's been hearing is never had to help anyone.
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the waters are a little bit colder are normal so we will see if he has set up anybody with hyperthermia. >>mark: will check back at the braves all stemming from alcatraz in irian >>darya: the you as as i what is heading to las angeles. -- loss angeles. the sentence is your firebird -- fireboat phoenix is shooting water from the balkan. it is posted president's including franklin roosevelt, ronald reagan and george h. bush.
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the uss nimitz is also here. are people going chip kit actual look inside the boat? . >>will: at no, that's a laudable one but it is basically between the bay bridge and at&t part. 3000 crew members. they are visiting their friends and family.
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what a dead a ton in memorial day, down and take a look at the ships. it is a great sight to see. it's a beautiful morning. these ships are relatively close to each other. i have seen lots of sailors walking up and down the market there are. >>darya: is impressive just a look at them? . >>will: it is not very often that you get a chance to see this in these massive aircraft and destroyers. -- aircraft carriers and destroyers. they're moving cities. >>darya: thanks allot jackie was the mark. >>mark: the second letter be
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is reporting that record reported by caltrain that a 19 ft. sax section end the talmudic or worse bay and had been hard it had not parted before testing it. caltrans says this is confident this structural intend to equity of the new bay bridge improvements are fine. >>darya: san francisco's golden gate bridge is now 75 years old. what a birthday party. this started off about 930. with the fireworks. you can see it core of the side of the bridge. it celebrated 75 years and the average closing was close to two hours. in addition the fireworks, there was a lot of other party.
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people sang on stages of the was music, there's a car show, there is iron workers' demonstration. the bridge, since it opened has seen more than 2 billion vehicles crossed that iconic span. >>mark: we're watching world markets right now. everything is pretty much flat right now. we're still looking in greece. they will increase to keep the eurocurrency. banking shares which is one of the world's largest bank is falling.
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try >> the time is a doyle 88 am. you can see the president here at the tip of a and 9 soldiers.
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>>james: pratt at back at 814 a m. this should be a great game at at&t part. we will be back with more in just a minute.
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>>mark: we're just getting word that tropical storm beryl is causing power outages from northern florida to southern georgia. the joint in this storm continues but it will begin by the afternoon. it was just downgraded to a depression. >>james: it is a little cloudy to start. this is a look at from the mt. tam can.
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san francisco's 51 and the rest of the area is generally in the '50s. temperatures will develop like this today. the '50s at the coast '60s a around the media bay end in the east bay it will be approaching seven days. when you take a look at 3:00 p.m. you will see where this 70, a gala bay and increases just a little bit. it will be cool along the coast and a round the bay is slightly warmer conditions inland and '70s in the east bay. let's take a look at the next three days.
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this 7 day around the bay is warming steadily as we had to mid-week. we will look for mid-70s mostly around area. that is the way the weather is looking for the next seven days. >>erica: there is nothing to report from the freeways. it is practically a ghost town at their approach to the bay bridge. we have not been contending with any delays. if you are having -- if you're heading -- the dumbarton bridges close. remember it scheduled to
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open tomorrow morning. we're starting to see some sunshine. there's lots of space between cars. was that by 80 is a smooth ride coming off the all to the past. problem free conditions along the peninsula. it is a ec ride that to the coyote valley. there is a lot of green on our roadways. as far as those that you are taking public public transit, i remember that there brat riding on a sunday schedule. >>mark: there is a muni closure in san francisco. take a look.
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they'll get to the normal schedule at june 4th at 5 in the morning. >>darya: is 8 to 20 1:00 a.m.. -- is a 20 1:00 a.m.. -- is 8020 1:00 a.m.. >> [ male announcer ] it would be easy for u.s. olympian meb keflezighi
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to deposit checks at the nearest citibank branch. ♪ like this one. ♪ or this one. ♪ or, maybe this one. ♪ but when it's this easy to use citibank mobile check deposit at home...why would he? ♪ woooo! [ male announcer ] citibank mobile check deposit. easier banking. every step of the way.
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>>mark: this is a look at arlington national cemetery were present a bomber has laid a wreath at the tomb of the and and soldiers. >> this complex range of emotions is at it. the military them the best parent himself, of creating a palm that captures they sense that any family this as a center daughter to war.
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many game, but many many more did not come back. in his closing line he says your silent tense of green will be effective fake red flowers yours is the suffering and the memory will be ours. longfellow wrote this. and he still has the right. the memorial day we still ought there are fallen soldiers. we honor our soldiers the families and are larger american families. what really counts is how we turn them and ran into action.
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died in the we will continue to monitor what goes on live at the arlington national cemetery >>darya: we will continue to monitor this. we ought ad does it died in the family's this suffered due to the people who did not come back with the united states military. >> this is one of the most fascinating things i have ever experienced did any scientific museum here this is a replica of a small victorian house. people come in and the shaking begins. in burst they take you
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through the '89 quake and then 1906. using technology, at a recreate what they shaky was exactly like. the upper platform had to be non a prime gambles that actually move back and forth. these are computer-driven. it's out of profile that is programmed and with the computer. they're all kind of hands-on learning at this museum. at their life bay the hostages on sale nes their connections between earthquakes and ostriches.
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>> have people come from all of the top talent in the bay area. we have the best computer simulations of everything. it's a great show. the academy hours are 930 to 5. in 1135 on sunday.
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>>mark: welcome back. here is a reminder of something is happening in the bay area. this is a one and a half mile out the truck tress challenge swim. this will end a christie field.
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we have a live report on this coming up. >>darya: we are monitoring what is going on at the mark arlington cemetery for this memorial day celebration. he can see president obama. we will continue to check in with this. >>mark: it would go to the weather with james. >>james: we are showing improving conditions here. a bad the north bay portions of the east bay the cloud cover has gone. look for the morning fog. by rear-ended the the warmer. the beat of the '60s to made eighties inland. it will get to 90 degrees
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by their stay in the weekend will be cooler weather. >>erica: we did have a few problems and high we would one and a north bay. this is a look at outside it that proves to the bay bridge toll plaza. they're like conditions in east bay south bay penance the end of north bay. >>mark: we're watching this when at escape from alcatraz. they will be arriving on shore. will his will tran with an update. >>will: this woman says women under 30 minutes. she came into is wearing her bathing suit. she is from livermore. more more people are showing
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up. i heard at least three people had to be pulled up the water because of is to colder there were exhausted. the flags of blowing is a strong play if you think it's cold on land it's even colder in the water. it did not stop the over 300 people from swimming this. are showing up right now and crossing the finish lines with a great accomplishment. >>mark: every year we get to see this. >>darya: the golden gate bridge is 75 years old now. the 2 mi. bay and was completed in just four years 75 years ago. with the footage that we
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have of this band under construction for more than 10 years. to is think about the golden gate bridge only took four years. the relevant people killed from falling. that number could have been higher because in 19 others were saved by the safety net. you can see it in the video. 25 years ago, the bridge was celebrated this way. it was close-and hundreds of thousands of people walked on that. sell many people credit and other printed it lost some of its arch. they did not do that again but they did celebrate with fireworks. low-cal spectacular. was an incredible 20 minute fire works show.
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the workers actually spent two hours after the close down the bridge to set up fireworks. it was quite a production. the need to be a team of 75 the board for two weeks. then saw the fire were some barges and on the bridge itself. this is the first time fireworks were ever shot from the bridge. the corporate in more than 4000 if fax and there was a custom color that was invented. there is 5 mi. a wire. >>mark: here's another look care at arlington national cemetery this morning.
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the president is expected to start speaking in just a few moments. >>darya: the dumbarton bridge is the closest this morning. is it is scheduled to open tomorrow morning. since friday the workers have been replacing its size and joy. kron 4 talk to bay officials about the progress. >> the july increase is the movement of the bridge any some allowing it to expand at the 37 in.. will be putting in the upper plate, and new barriers, concrete beverly, and it's
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been a good opportunity to do some painting and repaying looking alecto fencing and landscaping. in addition, the contractor has been doing in a gray- stay on the schedule in getting to this ambitious and of work. >>mark: the nation it apparently is not made any progress decreasing the amount of motorcycle death. there were 4500 motorcycle deaths last year. was the same as the before. more people may be buying motorcycles with gas prices rising. >>darya: let's go back to arlington national cemetery where the president is about to speak. >> obama-thank you, please
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be seated. the morning everybody. thank you for your introduction and your incredible service to our country. all of you that are here today from active duty, veterans and family. thank you for allowing me the privilege, to the second place to commemorate more of it. the six other acres along to the americas from every part of the country gave their lives at every corner of the globe. whenever revolution into the wage. they left the palms and took up arms for the sake of an
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idea. from the doubles at the end not to mention afghanistans, a step forward and into the call. they fought for how and where they may never return. they fought for but is there would never forget. weather stories may be separated by hundreds of years, thousands of miles, the rest here. together, side-by-side rubber row, because each of them love this country and everything it stands for even more alike itself. today we come together as americans to pray, and to reflect, and remember these jurors. but some are this will allow to a small groups of
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visitors that make their way to the gates at across the hills and he and nicole the rain in the snow, following a well-worn path to research the spot and million from its but you are the family and friends of the fallen. parents and children has risen lives but this is sisters, barbara, and by sacrifice. you do leave a piece of your hearts benin's these trees. you to call this a short,. to get the footsteps blaze the past of our history. and this memorial day will mark another milestone. for the first time in nine years, americans and not fighting and dying at a rock. flat thing -- that the
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>> we're winding down the war in afghanistan and are to to be coming home >> clapping >> after a decade of under the dark cloud of a it or we can see the light . especially for those with lost their loved one, at this chapter will be open long end to the desk of: a. with the war of the rock -- with the war in a rock already over, it is appropriate to pay tribute to those. on the first day and innovation and one of our
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helicopters crashed to the border of kuwait. on a performer rains. -- on it or for members and the marine corps. to get it they became the first american casualties of the a rock or. the families and friends barely had time to register the beginning of the complex before having to address is awesome costs. eight years, seven months, 25 days later, david hickman is on patrol baghdad. his vehicle struck a roadside bomb. he became the last of nearly 4500 american patrons give his life in iraq.
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the days before the last american juries, i met with his family at fort bragg. right now they're beginning a very difficult journey that so many of the these families have trouble before. a jury that even more families will take in the months and years ahead. for the families today, i repeat what i said to aikman's. i cannot begin to fully at this stage of loss. as a father i cannot begin to imagine would is like to hear that knock on the door and learned that your worst fears of them true. as commander in chief, i can tell you that sending our troops into harm's way is one of the most wrenching decision that i have to make. i promise you i wanted to do
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this unless it's absolutely necessary. and when we do we must give our troops of a clear mission and a full support. as a cantor, -- as a country, all of this can and should ask ourselves how we can help you shoulder a burden and nobody should have to carry. we ought your mothers and fathers, your sons and daughters, and we have given -- who have given their flaccid a devotion to this country. we need ask ourselves how can we support you and your families a decent strength. one thing we can do is remember these years as you remember them. not just as a number when a mine had stalled but as americans often far too
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young, who are guided by a deep and abiding love of their families and for this country. we can remember a man then that is why the aircraft carrier told his mother before you should doubt the remember anything happened to that of you. he is there's a track star that is job and joined the marines because he wanted to do something more meaningful in his life. s.a. across fanatic towed his dad to the marines esol that he stood behind the saddle some the best people the ever met.
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what is service members was described as a light in a very dark world. we can remember all them. we can meet our obligation to those to take him home. and the families that are in the midst of a different but they're a real battle of their on. to all our men and women in uniform, i know this. the patriot is that respighi these hills were fighting for many things. they're fighting for their families, the flags and above all the are fighting for you. as long as i am president's we will make sure that you in your family's wheezy q
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-- will receive the benefits they deserve. and finally for all the other you have sacrifice people. this in the nation the way is the cost of every you let him lie. this will be a nation that all of us albee able to meet our obligations to one another. into each other. and as president i have no higher honor and no greater responsibility as is served as commander commander in chief of the greatest country i've ever known >>darya: this at present a
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bomb at the arlington 10 national cemetery. we will be back right back.
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>> we are talking about the weather. >>james: it looks very good. mostly the temperatures are around the fifties.
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santa rosa that is 49. this after unending should clear out by noontime. later on at 3:00 p.m. the highs will be mostly in the '60s was some seventies. if we looked out over the east bay will see anything from 70 to 74 degrees. at this 7 day around the bay we are looking at progressively warmer weather. the back any minute.
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>> every day, an average of 5,000 people
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switch from cascade to finish dishwasher detergent. that's about 150,000 a month - over 2 million people so far. with finish quantum you get incredibly clean, sparkling dishes without having to rinse them first. now see for yourself why millions have switched to finish. join the finish revolution. and for two years in a row, finish quantum was rated #1 by a leading consumer publication.
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>> >>mark: coming up on the kron 4 morning is.
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golden gate bridge is transcended by crews cleaning up from the celebration. we will have more on the uss nimitz. for an end florida and georgia. it will show you more later. what about over here? sure. no problem. ♪
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roar! alright, what do lions eat? ♪ >> >>darya: it is an 9:00 a.m. on this memorial day. >>mark: >>james: residency is spear that have low cloud right now. but it will be on the mild side of rock. in the afternoon will be sunny with the winds picking up and in this evening it
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the clout to return. the weather will continually get better as we head toward the end of the week. >>erica: it looks like a lot of people have the day off. there is no back up in across any of the bridges. there's a lot of green on the roadway sensor is. >>mark: thank you >>erica: . president obama's paid >>mark: em president obama just finished remarks at the tip of the undone soldier. here's what we had to say. >> above-the 600 a. of the palm for america's from any
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part of that country. whenever a revelation needed to be waged, they left their hamas and took up arms for the sense of an idea. they fought for a tom the they keep may never return to it. over hundreds of years and thousands of miles, they rest here. there together in side-by- side. their role by rote. it is because each of them love this country more than life itself. >>mark: here are the
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memorial day remember essences of around area. as americans observe memorial day 3 nato's service members killed in afghanistan. the cause of the crash is under investigation but that does not seem to be any am enemy activity. >>darya: the uss iowa is gone. it left on saturday and went underneath the golden gate bridge. the trip began with the u.s. coast guard cutter.
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the world war two battleship is being relocate gated it lost angeles. it played host to reza president's threat the years. this is the uss nimitz. it is here. we're pointed goaded jackie sizzle. >>jackie: tests out of the bay bridge, between the bay bridge in at&t park to can see that ship anchored out into the water. it is the nimitz and it will then yesterday. the rich 3000 crew members on board.
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they brought some friends. i started the secret members coming off pit it look like they're required to take in the city. you can see what of the votes to betray its pope 40 the crew members come from the charrette -- transporting the crew members from that ship. security always a big deal when you have that many ships in the bay. he can see it that the u.s. as decatur is part did. 32. in the company didn't nimitz from washington. i have seen them loading supplies. given the today is memorial day, and they don't get the
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chance see these kinds of ships i would suggest the come down and have a glance at these ships. with one look at it you can tell exactly how mass of these boats are. >>mark: there was an incredible fireworks display last night of with the golden gate bridge. it was a 20 minute long firebird display. it was launched from the bridge. in addition to the fireworks display, you can come join in the celebrations. there is singing and dancing. there is a car show. there is an iron worker demonstration. this opened in 1937 and 2
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billion vehicles have crossed the iconic 7 mi. long structure. we will be back in just a minute. you can see this look at san francisco as the clouds start to break up.
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>>mark: em will tran as at
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alcatraz race this morning irian the scudder brand -- let's go to will. the first-place winner is a 22 year-old woman from livermore. she got a little under 30 minutes. season was training to just finished and it turns out that she came and before anyone else. >> much this time your body warms up. thus the time it is his mental. i try to separate the boys and i tried to give the was a challenge. >> not that she is gloating anything like that but this guy the came en was a at one minute after that.
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she really smoke them. you can see the ambulance here a couple of people had pit sit down but not a wise to the ambulance. right now is a feel-good party for a lot of people that have meet mexico for the year. and people across the finish line to become some of family. and that people are still walking around weather chard off selling people of that base can bear right -- bay brave the cold. >>mark: will be right back as kron 4 morning news continues.
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>>darya: at the 2012 fire season has begun january to april couch contest -- this then more fires dealt with then last year. >>mark: tropical storm beryl is came to storm and the stall offense. this is expected from jacksonville's florida up
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the georgia and southern coast. they're all this -- tropical storm beryl is cancelling memorial day plant down there as well >>james: it is going west northwest only 6 mi. an hour or. it is dropping a lot of rain. is dropping for it to 8 in. and may be up to 12 in. this area is under a foot or two of water right now. the winds at 35 that 50 mi. an hour. it is it will head back out to the atlantic. it is blowing down trees and power lines as it was his way through.
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that's it to take a look at our area. there are lots of clouds of the. he can see the mal mt. tam cam. it is showing you as the sunshine is getting through. your house the day will develop. in the mild temperatures in this '50s. the highest in the afternoon kobe in the lead to mid-70s and are well as oscar that the temperatures right now there are mostly fifties when lead upper 50s or 60s in the east bay. and afternoon will be 70 and upper 60s in the east bay. ups the-is also the '60s to
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the low '70's. in these bay. a ticket to the north bay. net will be 72 is a look for the next to it three days. there is a great week had will gradually warmus a week goes on. >>erica: there are no problems and there are no hot spots. traffic is moving very well the drive is 10 minutes. the city and to examine their bridge. the city these the dumbarton bridges needed realize that
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will open again at 5:00 tomorrow morning. that no delays at the tow plaza. on the golden gate bridge this drive is at 25 minutes at the bottom. there and knows delays and 680. i to 80 let's clear. he was seen as a lot of green on our censors. those of you there using public transit remember that they are betting on a sunday schedule. but >> remember that the meehan-closures in in civets is up in irian they are all scheduled to reopen it june 4th.
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many says this will ultimately improve service. >>darya: for the 12th day in a rare triple bay reports that the national average continues to drop in irian the highest gas prices into and hawaii. the cheapest place to get gas is set south carolina and the 27 per gallon. rather the prices in the bay area. >>mark: a protester interrupted tony blair when blair was testifying. clear it denies being cozy with murdoch.
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clear sense we became the father one of murdoch's children average there de step down. >>mark: on the lawyer for the pope's butler at the vatican has claimed full corp. with the investigation. there is some speculation of higher rank priests may be named in the scandal also appeared that again -- the vatican and spokesperson denied a cardinal is also under suspicion. >>darya: this is a plane, crashed in a snow-covered mountain and i hope people. because of the area.
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it was a the most area. the plane crashed on saturday. that three of them use their cell phone. this help rescue them. >> of the dish semiskilled when a man was crossing jackson. that toy at the camera it hit the man in the east stopped. the it was determined that he was not driving >>mark: take a look where it is a big rigs fell ride its
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side in. crash the passenger side of the car. they say that the big rig was speeding when eight ratted a curve and loss control. the drive vote of the car and driver of a great heart -- suffered only minor injuries >> koli wilson was using as suspended contractor number to obtain more. board officials say that we seen dozens of complaints about wilson. >>darya: we will be back in just a few minutes.
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as take a look outside. traffic is nice. as take a look at the girl at james lick.
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>>darya: and errol -- flight from the can that opposes are not is for practice their points. they are the best in the country. ubiquity, eighth we met
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teen end it affects flexibility, balanced and grace. >> practicing yoga of practices and agility and all the things are required and athletes. it is a new concept. yogurt and competition -- a yoga and competition are almost conflict in concept. the competitions are becoming more accepted. there is a big push to have is accepted internationally. it is fun to watch. because some of the postures are beautiful and difficult to do. >> even the yogurt is extremely popular it is an
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up your help battle to make it an olympic sport. >> the challenge is how to incorporate the many styles of yoga into competition. >> everybody has their own style. >> it will likely take several l of the cycles before this wet have some consistency but that at least say that they would continue to push. >>darya: can you believe that guy with this toth touching the thinker. but this 12-teen the fingers. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ [ transforming sounds ] [ male announcer ] transformers. the ride. ride it at universal studios hollywood.
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>>darya: a welcome back. let's take a live look outside not mt. tam. that's good james. >>james: you can see the gradual clearing it we were waiting for. besides the morning fog we have a nice afternoon and read it will be a little windy but it will be mild. the next few days you'll see more signs sunshine and warmer and by thursday we may be up to 90 degrees. and that we have a cooler weekend to look forward to. >>erica: is a quite enjoyable commute of that area. it can see a quick to meet check. is a light a round the bay.
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there are no problems >>mark: for the city that have lost loved ones they can be a painful time. 600,000 u.s. servicemen and women have died in the war. if there is there really at by president obama at the tuna the and no soldiers. >> up, played a read the to the gym of the and and soldiers. many began to speak. >> >> obama's-the soldiers was a fierce attack by side, row
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by row. each member gave his life for us. >> >> of the weekend under the thousands a motorcycle as a road through is united states capitol to remember the prisoners of war. this year's focus was on me sgt boat or stop. >> oh, if you can get me you have not been forgotten. this would commend memory the 50th anniversary of the vietnam war. in washington.
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>>darya: and memorial day is the time to remember those it is bought and died for a cut country and those who have suffered the ultimate sacrifice >> for some members of the military, at coming back for the military has can take its toll. the memories are fresh. doctors to deal with returning serve as people say that there are some things did everyone else can do to help them get back into life. never one never assume that you understand the that went through. to say that we and the stamina was like of course we don't. the rich do -- to-do not
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pile on a but the continents. they are still trying to figure out. many men and many women do not want to talk about and to try to push it is also disrespectful. or is different for every person. be patient and listen. it takes time. today's health minute in irian >>mark: americas news veterans are filing for compensation for injuries more than doubled then the estimated 21% of fund after
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the gulf war. the new generation is a medically and mentally troubled. >>darya: the golden gate bridge is 75 years old. it took four years to finish the golden gate bridge. look at the old footage we have. it is incredible. the 11 men died from false and then the construction. it could have been worse because 90 at its were saved by the netting under any the scaffolding. then there was a celebration 25 years ago where they closed the bridge let everybody what got to it. the will cut its of thousands of people on the bridge and they've lost
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about 7 ft. of its arch. so they did not let anybody walk on it this year but they put up a spectacular fireworks show. there was three days have celebrations over all. it was finished by this beautiful firework show. he can see that was from the bridge and from charges. if they close the bridge for two hours to get everything done. 675 workers on the job two weeks to install of this in irian. been incorporated 4000 special effects. the 26 computer center 5 mi. of water wire. and there was a color that
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was invented called holding gate horns specially for this display. >>mark: , force of the officials about the bay bridge progress putting in this seismic join. >> this flow of give the bridge 37 in. that can expand during in the earthquake. will be putting in at the plate. go putting in new barriers and finishing of the work. will be putting and the concrete of delay. the may the census taken this opportunity to also do some work with taking some lining fixing the let's recall defense chain and landscaping. hire contractors dry great
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job its thing on the schedule. >>mark: the bridge is still on schedule to reopen tomorrow at 5:00 a.m.. >>darya: records provided by caltrain in relationship to the bay bridge that a builder if it failed to report that a 19th section of the main column had not hired pardon before being tested. n/a -- caltrans said that they are confident that everything was tested properly in relationship to the bridge. >>mark: we are excited to see if that actually happens. here's a live look as we've been following this celebration at the national
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some arlington national cemetery. here is a live look at.
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welcome back. >>mark: york city in its competing this silicon valley for the technology shot -- technology have been. it will use 23,000 square feet of manhattan space owned by google. >>darya: report was the other 4500 motorcycle deaths in the afternoon -- this year. that is the same as last year. irritate prediction that there will be more
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motorcycles on the road due to gas prices. >>mark: traffic is moving smoothly across the golden gate span. last night the fireworks were spectacular. we will be back any minute.
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>>darya: with a gang-related shooting and south king road. a 16 year-old died. chris moore was on the kron 4 morning news is today. >> when we reduce the number of officers we have in the street, you're still could have the perception
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that there is not there be many cups. that will give the idea that gang members think they can get away with these that the shootings. >>darya: police say the suspects were seen running from the scene. no one had been arrested. >>mark: the ic officials have put more anxious on the job to find more immigrants. they have teams that paper ought use them of having a " natural rest 50 people a month. the icy sea -- the ice
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people said it they have none. >>darya: >>mark: they have lost 5/6 straight. bay saturday said get while this losing streak. a as many as just for hits. the 2-0 loss this a better for the giants. the giants got a split in miami. corporate are also scored all three were runs.
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cabrera now has 73 hits which is the most in the majors and the message science since willie mays did in 1948. barry's see no will be starting for the giants tonight. we're taking a kansas city. >> is committed james. >>james: the allot 75 a night when the start of the game is to 05 p.m.. -- that is your baseball forecast. here is the james lick freeway camera looking back at san francisco.
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paris daily -- we are dealing with the leas at the airport had airport. take a look at your daily planner. the temperatures are steadily on the rise. 53 and san francisco in there at the 60 degree mark and antioch. it is going to be mild as after ended. it should be up and around the mid '70s at best. look at the beacon had. tuesday, wednesday, others say, things continually to, klein. -- climb.
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just in time for the weekend, it will pull back for just a few degrees for a mile the delightful began. thus good >>erica: we have gray conditions at the approach to the bay bridge toll plaza. the golden gate bridge ride has and no incidents. the ride is funded 27 minutes out of novato is lots of green on our roadways answers. if you're using public transit remember that they are running on sunday schedule. >>darya: this is a viral video that has a lot of people talking. this the euro woman wanted to celebrate her birthday by skydiving.
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look what happened. she listed seconds away stepping out in the inspector was be able to hold on to her employer in somehow. >> that daredevil herself, at 81 in your old lovebird everett's says she craves a little excitement was allows the last year for a 80th birthday she decided she wanted to go skydiving. my family that was very brave. it is just at the at what a difference long time. >> what you get on the edge, that is another story my eberhard is came off.
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she said. flirt her shirt flow up against your face and did not see a thing. >> i did not know anything until i saw the video. and now she says she can cross off another item on her button bucket list. >>darya: if you survive which is led through i don't think he should do anything else. >>mark: i think you should buy a lot a ticket. we will be right back as the kron 4 morning news continues.
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>>darya: men back three -- men in black three is the big movie this weekend. it is followed by the adventures. >>mark: we hope you have a safe memorial day weekend.
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>>darya: dr. phil up next.
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